Compared the two templates last night. This one had links in the sidebar on the right. The book I've been using as a loose reference, Essential Blogging, suggested that you look for the lines that come up Edit Me. Sure enough this blog's template had them.
The 9 Edge Down template, "Dots," didn't. So, I copied the code over into the template. Simple html, a title and an unordered list (ul,li tags). The sidebar is on the left for 9 Edge Down but that isn't relevant to the code.
The sidebar appears to have limited width. The links wrapped to two lines. I'm not real sure where the overall layout control is. I tried to expand the sidebar to 300px but that gave funny results. The sidebar was "first" and the main content didn't start until after the sidebar. Foo!
Found a simpler solution. Used a FONT tag to reduce the text by 1. That seems to work for now.
I probably need to get additional information on the templates.
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