Saturday, August 05, 2006

Learning New Tricks

It's pretty clear I'm not up on all the latest web techniques and tricks. Since I'm not into cell phones, IM'ing, and retired ... I don't have a lot of reasons to keep up.

I occasionally use Technorati tags, just to see how they would work. But haven't been a regular user.

One of the blogs I scan, almost daily, Outside The Beltway, began using this string of little icons at the end of each post. Don't know when he started. I just decided to investigate what these things were all about.

The icons are connected to Social Bookmarking sites. Similar to Technorati, but with a twist. The idea is to have your bookmarks on the web, so you don't always have to be at your home computer.

I can understand the problem. With two computers, the back room desktop and my business laptop, I occasionally find that the favorites lists aren't the same. Ditto when I'm on a computer at SCORE, none of my bookmarks are on those computers.

I picked one of the services,, to start experimenting. OTBeltway has about 16 different sites in his string. All the links do is supply all the information that you would have to type to bookmark the blog item.

Playing around with my new account, I found some additional MindManager(c) sites. This one is interesting because it lists sites that were built using the Mindjet MindManager product. (Mindjet has the copyright for MindManager.)

This might become a new project for me. Finding sites built with various versions of MindManager. MM has an export to web function. In fact, that is how I built the basic navigation graphics for Piquero Insights, Inc., my own site.

Technorati Tags:, ,

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