Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Tricks For An Old Dog

It is often said that teachers learn more from their students than the other way around. I suspect that's true. I had some time to kill in DTW on the way home, so I did an After Action Review on what I learned.
  1. 5 to 6 people trying different things during an exercise finds new stuff (and features).
  2. Check all the hyperlinks on the presentation map the day before.
  3. The zoom box on Pan & Zoom can be stretched and compressed, with a corresponding zoom in/out of the map.
  4. Resources can be entered as Bill;Mary;Dave but will each create a separate icon marker.
  5. Mingle with the group during the exercises to help, they are more likely to ask questions.
  6. Quiet ones ask all their questions during breaks, expect that students take breaks but you're "on" all the time.
  7. Use a map for the day's agenda, add links to the documents for each topic. (see #2)
  8. Use "pps" files for shows, ppt brings up the editor.
  9. Right-Click on news feed directory on map parts, the menu asks if you want to add a news feed. This is easier than the macro route.
  10. Visit the facility the day before and make sure everything is set up. (I knew this but wanted to have a top ten list.)
I'll bet there was more, but these are the ones that jumped out at me.

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