I’ve got the first Podcast complete, I think. The MP3 is 25.8 MB and runs a little over 27.5 minutes. I have to resolve my hosting strategy before I publish it.
Actually, I need to finish at least two more. Then the audience, if any, can have more than one episode to base their opinion on.
It took about 12+ hours to produce, but a lot of that was learning the tools and scripting the episode. I’m using Mind Manager to map/write the script. I create topics and sub-topics, much like the paragraphs in the instructor manual. Then as I read them or decide to modify the description, I can move the topics around. I found I was more comfortable reading them like cue cards.
I’m surprised at how much space the audio takes. I suspect it is a function of how many mistakes I make. “Audacity” is probably saving everything so I can “undo” edits. There are two components. (1) The project, an “.aup” file and (2) a project_data subdirectory. The subdirectory has a bunch of audio files. For the podcast, the .aup was 50 KB. The sub-directory, however, contained 308 objects and consumed 297 MB of space.
I’m guessing that podcast #2 will have less editing since I have the music bumps, intro and outro segments done. Those reuseable segments should just drop in for future projects.
I took the time to think about reuse before I started. I’m keeping MP3 segments for future podcasts. I also started a Mind Manager Map for Knowledge Management (KM). I keep track of each component, by name, and hyperlink to the MP3. The KM map also records and links to any student maps.