Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Podcast 5 Has Been Published

The hits just keep on coming. The fifth of the series of podcasts is now up and available. The audio portion can be found here as Podcast 5. The student maps and syllabus and other materials have been stored here as Supplemental Material .

The series assumes you have access to a computer that has Version 7 or Version 8 installed, either the product or the trial version. The trial is only good for 30 days.

In this fifth episode I continue the example of Igor’s Balloon Factory. The business context is meeting minutes and distribution. The example is a weekly sales meeting. This will be the first of two parts, as the example is useful for more note taking discussions.

We work some more with topic formatting. But the main emphasis is on Export to other formats. This allows distribution to non-mapping users.

If you are a Version 8 user, make sure that your Adobe Reader is Version 8 or higher. Otherwise, Mindjet Player won’t work.

I’m interested in your opinions. Write a comment to this blog post or drop us a note at Podcast =(at)= .


Unknown said...
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Andibryce said...

I've been using mindmapping for about a year and still picked up a number of useful tips. Thanks Bob although it may be better if you wrote a manual. Thanks again Andy

Piquero said...

Thanks for the encouragement, hope you can listen to the early podcasts as well.

The advantage over a manual is I can publish episodes and not have to have the whole thing thought through.

There is a "Mindmanager For Dummies" book, by Roger Voight. Came out in 2004 and used X5 as a base. You might find it at the library or a used book store.

Problem is that between Ver 6 and Ver 7 the navigation changed. We lost the "file edit" tool bar and gained the "Ribbon."

When I finish the series, a manual might be a good e-book. Until then, I suggest you look at the "Show Notes" usually a file like Pod5.mmap in the supplemental material. It is the script not just notes. The major steps are numbered, like the paragraphs of a teaching manual.
