Saturday, October 31, 2009

Promoting The Podcast

I'm learning a bit about feeds and interpretations. While Juice only showed the six MP3 files, when I tried to add the feed to PodcastAlley I got a lot of warnings. It was clear that it was trying to read each post as a separate podcast.

My brute force solution is to create another blog, PiqueroPod in Blogger. Then limit the entries to podcast announcements.

This seems to work. The new feed is here .

I will continue to post announcements of new podcasts both here and at PiqueroPod.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Podcasts and Feedburner

This is kind of neat. I'd found an article on How To Podcast. As part of the steps they mentioned setting up a feed at Feedburner.

Feedburner appears to be under Google now, so my Google account is adequate. And it integrates easily with Blogger.

I followed the Feedburner "How Tos" and created a feed for Piqueroblog. But more important, the RSS feed works in my "Juice" aggregator. The Aggregator is smart enough to pull out the MP3 links. The title is the blog post title, but the URL is the Internet Archive address for the file.

I've added the RSS subscription widget at the bottom of the right hand column.

You still need to get to the Supplementary Materials, however. They are also listed in the right hand column or you can bookmark the listing page for ready reference. I usually have that updated before I update the blog.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Podcast #6 Is Finally Uploaded

Had a few technical problems trying to get Podcast 6 up to the host. Found an alternate route (IE instead of Firefox).

So, the sixth of our podcast series is now up and available. The audio portion can be found here as Podcast #6. The student maps, a syllabus, and other materials have been stored here as Supplemental Material .

The series assumes you have access to a computer that has Version 7 or Version 8 of Mind Manager installed, either the product or the trial version.

In this sixth episode I continue working with my meeting minutes and post processing.

In addition to building the next week’s agenda from the previous week’s meeting notes, we examine the “Outline View” for map editing.

I’m interested in your opinions. I’m also interested in what future topics would be of interest. We’re at the half-way point of the series, give or take an episode. Write a comment to this blog post or drop us a note at Podcast =(at)= .

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Back From Wisconsin

Had some free time during the vacation to work on the scripts for the podcasts. I finished the script for Pod#6 and got most of Pod#7 written. Finished the script for Pod#7 last night.

That’s the good news. I also picked up a cold while I was in Wisconsin. I can type and cough but not record and cough. I’m hoping to be unclogged enough to get Pod#6 done this week-end. Then have Pod#7 up before Halloween.

I decided to break Pod#6 into two parts. Both deal with Meeting Minutes. Pod#6 is map reuse and Outline View. Pod#7 addresses Markers and the Filter functions. Together, a single podcast would have been too long.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Progress (or lack there of)

I probably won’t get Pod#6 created before going out of town for a week. So Pod#6 will be toward the end of the month.

I would remind visitors that I have links to all 5 podcasts and the supplemental material for each podcast in the right hand column of this blog.

So, if you’re here because of a tweet or an email, that’s the place to look. Or you might want to bookmark this page which is a list of the Podcasts and their materials.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Podcast 5 Has Been Published

The hits just keep on coming. The fifth of the series of podcasts is now up and available. The audio portion can be found here as Podcast 5. The student maps and syllabus and other materials have been stored here as Supplemental Material .

The series assumes you have access to a computer that has Version 7 or Version 8 installed, either the product or the trial version. The trial is only good for 30 days.

In this fifth episode I continue the example of Igor’s Balloon Factory. The business context is meeting minutes and distribution. The example is a weekly sales meeting. This will be the first of two parts, as the example is useful for more note taking discussions.

We work some more with topic formatting. But the main emphasis is on Export to other formats. This allows distribution to non-mapping users.

If you are a Version 8 user, make sure that your Adobe Reader is Version 8 or higher. Otherwise, Mindjet Player won’t work.

I’m interested in your opinions. Write a comment to this blog post or drop us a note at Podcast =(at)= .

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Recording Done

Got Pod#5 recorded. Still have to do post production on all the data and files. And I need to update the web pages. Run time is about 29 minutes. A bit longer than I like, but a lot of it is waiting for Export to run.

But, most important, I need to test it with a Ver 8 installation. I don’t want another surprise. I also want to test the pauses.

Exporting takes some processing time. I want to make the dead air seem reasonable in length. I don’t want the listener constantly stopping and starting.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Need to test things more often

Well, one lucky break and one not so lucky find. I was testing the Export to Mindjet Player function in Version 8. First time I’ve checked the podcast maps in Version 8. Oopps. The hyperlinks that had a file name like Pod#3 in the title didn’t work. Something about that "#" character.

I needed to update all the file name for student maps. What was in my favor is that I made a knowledge management map that was linked to all the files for each episode. So I knew which ones needed a name change.

Also in my favor, I haven’t really advertised the podcasts yet. I can change the files now and once people start downloading them the problem won’t be there.

I was waiting until I had 5 podcasts up so that a person could download a 30 day trial and learn something. Otherwise they would be listening to one or two podcasts and then waiting for me to post more. All the while watching the trial period run out.

Changes made. Files Replaced at the server. And, blog entries for Pod One through Four with an UPDATE Notice.