Saturday, September 02, 2006

Web 2.0

I haven't looked into this name too much. Not everyone thinks it is appropriate. I'll do a little further research and figure the nomenclature out.

In the interim, I thought I'd look for more applications, like the Writely app in an earlier post.

I found a blog entry by Christian Mayaud, which referenced an extensive list originally compiled by Bob Stumpal. This has mutated into an Open Directory of Web 2.0 Items. A much better list than I could compile myself.

I'll need to explore the Directory further. A very large mixture of personal oriented sites, but also some business related sites. That's my real interest.

The initial poking around yielded an article by Dion Hinchcliffe, looks like a column/blog associated with ZDNet (an electronics publisher). The article has a list of apps, but more important a graphic that seems to be the continuum from Technology to Social for Web 2.0 applications. Worth the read.

UPDATE: The Wikipedia entry credits O'Reilly Media with coining the phase as currently used. Some of the common characteristics: web as the platform, data driven with the user having control over the data, and networking effects such as social networking.

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