Friday, August 28, 2009

Hosting The Podcast

I’ve decided to go with Ourmedia as a hosting source. They are associated with the Internet Archive. There in lies my lesson learned today.

I figured out how I’ll modify my web pages to accommodate the podcasts. The one loose end was the hosting site for the much larger podcasts (around 9 to 12 MB).

Went to the library to take advantage of the WiFi connection. Uploaded Podcast#1 but it didn’t seem to store. Got an email that said it was given a name, but no result. Tried a smaller MP3 but had a similar result.

What I didn’t realise is that I need a password account for Internet Archive as well as Ourmedia.

Uploaded another test file from home after I established an account. Worked and appears on Ourmedia.

Next step is to sort out the Creative Commons license.

I also want to record a second podcast before posting the links.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Podcast #1 Almost Complete

I’ve got the first Podcast complete, I think. The MP3 is 25.8 MB and runs a little over 27.5 minutes. I have to resolve my hosting strategy before I publish it.

Actually, I need to finish at least two more. Then the audience, if any, can have more than one episode to base their opinion on.

It took about 12+ hours to produce, but a lot of that was learning the tools and scripting the episode. I’m using Mind Manager to map/write the script. I create topics and sub-topics, much like the paragraphs in the instructor manual. Then as I read them or decide to modify the description, I can move the topics around. I found I was more comfortable reading them like cue cards.

I’m surprised at how much space the audio takes. I suspect it is a function of how many mistakes I make. “Audacity” is probably saving everything so I can “undo” edits. There are two components. (1) The project, an “.aup” file and (2) a project_data subdirectory. The subdirectory has a bunch of audio files. For the podcast, the .aup was 50 KB. The sub-directory, however, contained 308 objects and consumed 297 MB of space.

I’m guessing that podcast #2 will have less editing since I have the music bumps, intro and outro segments done. Those reuseable segments should just drop in for future projects.

I took the time to think about reuse before I started. I’m keeping MP3 segments for future podcasts. I also started a Mind Manager Map for Knowledge Management (KM). I keep track of each component, by name, and hyperlink to the MP3. The KM map also records and links to any student maps.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Podcasting Primer

Found a resource on the web that provides a Step-By-Step approach to podcasting.

Jason Van Orden has posted a multipage article on How To Podcast. Fairly straight forward descriptions without a lot of technical jargon.

Of particular interest is the Audacity audio software and the video tutorials that Jason provides to get you a quick start.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

New Project

Been absent from these pages since the Houston gig. I got diverted by a trip to the Antarctic and getting a photo journal pulled together afterwards.(Hey, when you’re retired what’s a month or two?)

Starting a new project that will cause more frequent posts to this blog. I was inspired, I suppose, by a discussion with someone I hadn’t talked to in a few years. We were discussing MindManager Ver 8. The discussion lead to podcasts and training.

I have toyed with creating a series of podcasts that talk about Workshop Planning. But, never really had the motivation.

Last May I bought an MP3 player, for noise while I walk. I’ve been downloading a lot of Skeptical podcasts after reading about “The Skeptic’s Guide To The Universe” in Wired magazine. The variety of podcasts I’ve listened to since then have convinced me that “I can do that!”

So I was primed for the conversation.

A lot of decisions and resources to locate. I already teach MM Fundamentals, so content per se and structure isn’t an issue. I’ve got to solve and implement the following (not in priority order):

  1. Audio Capture and Editing
  2. Find music for (a) Free and (b) Useable for (marginally) commercial purposes
  3. Podcast Hosting (other than [bandwidth])
  4. Examples and Student Map hosting (maybe/maybe not
  5. Framework for a Series Syllabus ( segment topics/features covered)
  6. Create a new company for series examples (Igor’s Baloon Factory)
  7. Revise the Student Maps to reflect my objectives
  8. Build a Knowledge Management Map to keep track of components
  9. Script the episodes using Mind Manager (and save as Show Notes)
  10. Record and edit the materials
  11. Build a better references list of resources for follow-up information
  12. Treat This As A FUN Thing to do, once I commit. (like now)

This is probably the tip of the iceberg, but gives me a current “mission” for Piqueroblog. Keep a diary of how it’s going. It is still business startup for low costs.