Saturday, July 12, 2008

Process Mapping

Had the class and a constructive discussion about using MindManager for process definition and discussion. Once you get past the clockwise layout of most maps it gets easier.

I wanted to emphasize a couple of key points:

  • Each process has two or more maps. One is meta data about the process. The second and other maps describe the steps of the process.
  • The use of color, putting borders around groups of topics, and using callouts help you explain key points.
  • Colors and icons can be filtered. I can reduce a complex map to just the topics of interest, i.e. the ones that need attention or elimination.
  • Data gathering is a two person task. One person builds the map and the other facilitates the meeting.
  • Keep it under 10 steps. A complicated map is probably hard to follow, and probably describe collections of steps that could be their own "process map"

There is a lot of power to using a hierarchy of maps and taaking advantage of hyperlinks to other documents. That becomes second nature after a while. It getting started that is the challenge.


Anonymous said...

Great advice. Do you have any examples that you can post to demonstrate these points?

Piquero said...

Yes, a few. I'm chasing down some email problems this afternoon, so can't get to it now.

I need to upload the maps zipped to my hosting service. The mmap format seems to confuse my browser/host.

Check back later tonight.

Piquero said...

Posted two maps. The larger images are on Flickr. Click on the map to get there.

But read the two posts first of course.